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Photoshop Noise - A easy way to add detail and improve your designs!

Blaz Robar
June 25, 2011

There’s a lot of filters in Photoshop that you most likely never use on a day to day basis. The “Noise” filter was defiantly one I know I never used until I came across a blog similar to this one!

After discovering how usful this underrated filter is I thought why not share this great filter with you and show you how I use it.

Simple huh!

So within 3 or so clicks you have a really nice subtle texture to work with. You can apply the noise filter to any layer to give it that little more detail. I use it a lot on backgrounds but you can use it on fonts, graphics and images.

Because noise is so subtle and small in detail, from a web developers point of view, this tetxure is really easy to tile. You basicly dont even need to make any alignments when creating a texture, just make a selection of the texture and your pretty much good to go!

Here’s a couple of colour variations of the noise filter just to show you how it looks on a dark and light background.

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